Japan experienced its hottest September in 125 years

Japan experienced its hottest September in 125 years, after already breaking records this summer, the national weather agency (JMA) announced, as the entire world heads towards heat records.

The average temperature in the archipelago in September was 2.66°C higher than normal, the JMA agency said on Monday.

This is the highest figure since comparable statistics were established in 1898, the JMA said in a statement, which previously announced that Japan experienced the hottest average temperatures on record between June and August. .

These observations join those of the entire planet, on the way to breaking the annual temperature record in 2023. After having already recorded the hottest quarter in history during the boreal summer (June-July-August), the world is seeing the effects of climate change caused by humanity and reinforced in recent months by the return, to above the Pacific, the cyclical El Niño phenomenon, synonymous with additional warming.

September 2023 has also become by far the hottest month of September ever measured in Germany, Poland, Switzerland and even France, where the national meteorological agency announced on Friday an average temperature “between 3.5 and 3.6°C above the reference period 1991-2020” for last month.

The United Kingdom also experienced its hottest month of September, tying the record recorded in 2006, local weather services announced on Monday.

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