Jane Birkin’s Parisian home has just been robbed!

This Sunday, July 16, 2023, Jane Birkin, icon of fashion, cinema and song was discovered, lifeless, by her caregiver, at her home located at 50 rue d’Assas, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. Since then, tributes have multiplied on the Web.

Mika pays tribute to Jane Birkin in song

From Etienne Daho to Miossec via Patrick Bruel, Benjamin Biolay or even Sheila, many artists express their pain on social networks. “Little by little, the lights are going out in Paris… Jane was a woman of heart, a sensitive and generous artist with her soft voice and her luminous smile, she had a crazy charm! Each of our duets have always been moments of pure happiness, unforgettable! Today in these moments of deep sadness, I think of her daughters and loved ones with all my affection”, wrote Sylvie Vartan in particular on her Instagram account.

Devastated by the death of the Franco-British singer, Mika, for his part, paid him a beautiful tribute in song. On Twitter, the artist announced the upcoming release of a title in honor of his idol. “The disappearance of Jane Birkin saddens me deeply because we are losing a great artist who belongs to French cultural history. She symbolized a period of freedom, such a special artistic sensibility that she had sublimated in her mythical couple with Serge Gainsbourg. An infinite sweetness and a great strength… Dear Jane, I loved you particularly, you moreover inspired me with a title that I will share later. Dear Jane, we will miss you so much…”. A post that sparked strong reactions.

See also: “It’s not me who bit the pillow …”: Serge Gainsbourg cash on his sexuality: his attraction for men revealed!

“She had decided it”

Charlotte Gainsbourg and Lou Douillon, the daughters of Jane Birkin, were quick to speak. Together they hailed the fierce battle against disease” led by their mother. “Since her stroke in September 2021, her family and wonderful caregivers have been by her side night and day,” they wrote in a text shared by manager Olivier Gluzman before adding: “For a few days, she had been walking again, was motivated to reschedule her Olympia and had decided to regain her independence. This first evening alone will have been the last. She had decided it”. A statement that did not fail to react to the fans.

A clarification is needed

Contacted by our colleagues from RTL, the relatives of Jane Birkin explained the turn used at the end of their press release. They then assured that there was no “no implied”. The icon is said to have died of natural causes.

Small-scale funeral

The funeral of the favorite Englishwoman of the French will take place on Monday July 24, 2023 in the Saint-Roch church in Paris, reports The Parisian. The ceremony should take place in the strictest privacy, by invitation.

A burglary attempt

However, we learn that on the night of this Tuesday July 18 to Wednesday July 19, 2023, an attempted burglary was perpetrated at the Parisian home of Jane Birkinas a police source told BFM TV. Three individuals had already been spotted the day before, near the property. It is a childhood friend of the singer, who was on the scene at the time of the facts, who would have “heard noises behind the door”, report our colleagues. The police would have discovered traces at the level of the lock. And, according to our information, the Franco-British artist’s home is only a few hundred meters from the 6e arrondissement. This unspeakable burglary attempt was therefore also one of the most risky…

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