Jane Birkin speaks for the first time since her stroke: “I did not suffer”

Jane Birkin worried her world last August when she suffered a stroke. On the air RTL this December 8, the muse of Serge Gainsbourg returned in detail on his stroke. “I think I am very lucky, I have seen others who have been less fortunate”, she relativized, explaining that she was not alone during her discomfort.

“I was with my girlfriend, who thought I was talking strangely. She saw right away that something was wrong”, confided the mother of Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kate Barry (deceased in 2013) and Lou Doillon. If Jane Birkin considers herself happy, it is because she considers her stroke to be “light”. Still, there was a sign before the incident. “I had a terrible headache the day before when I was promoting Charlotte’s film, but that’s all. Besides, the evening before I had this thing, I was singing the concert Etienne had designed for me. Daho “.

The septuagenarian was then admitted urgently to the Nantes University Hospital and was discreet, time to recover. A moment that she keeps fond memories of, despite the circumstances. “I was there a long time in intensive care. It was love. I was away from home, I was walking in the hospital grounds. Thinking about it, I tell myself that it was a incredible parenthesis “.

Back in Paris, Jane Birkin went for treatment at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), her establishment “favorite”. The 74-year-old singer, heroine of the film Jane by Charlotte, revealed to Steven Bellery not to have feared for his life a single moment. “I realized that it was really no fun for the people around me, for Lou and Charlotte … I didn’t suffer, in any way. When you are the injured person, it does not scare “said the ex-wife of John Barry, who knows herself lucky and has a lot “thought of those whose life is so much more complicated”.

Fans of the actress and singer will still have to be patient before they can find the artist. On January 8, Jane Birkin will perform at Maisons-Alfort and may well come to accompany nurses from the Avicenne hospital, to thank them.I would like to take them there with sandwiches and chocolate éclairs for the return trip “. This incident shook those close to Jane Birkin, such as Charlotte Gainsbourg, who has trouble seeing her mother grow old.

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