Jan Ullrich: The former cyclist hospitalized after another relapse in his fight against alcohol

There are more difficult post-careers for some great champions than for others. For Jan Ullrich, a former great star of world cycling, retirement is like a long descent into hell. Winner of the Tour de France in 1997, the 48-year-old German has been Lance Armstrong’s biggest rival for years, finishing second in the big loop three times. After his very successful career, which ended in 2006, the cyclist is going through very complicated times and often makes the headlines.

Party in Cuba to celebrate his 48th birthday, Jan Ullrich knew a sentimental break during the trip, which led to a series of events that were at the very least dramatic … The German newspaper Bild reports that the native of Rostock then literally dived into alcohol, boarding a plane totally drunk bringing him back to Germany. During a stopover in Mexico, the latter was taken to hospital before being finally transferred to a clinic in Switzerland. It is there that he will now have to undergo therapy in order to fight alcoholism, an illness that has followed him for many years.

Already in 2018, Jan Ullrich had been talked about for a sordid affair. Completely alcoholic and under the influence of drugs, the former athlete was arrested after having beaten up a prostitute. A few years earlier, he had been close to death after a serious car accident while drunk at the wheel.

He declared himself happy a few weeks before

Still, a few weeks ago, hope was in order for Jan Ullrich, guest of the podcast of his former rival and now good friend, Lance Armstrong, he seemed in good shape after some very difficult times. “Three years ago I was very bad (…) I was on the same path as Marco Pantani, almost dead. And then I recovered and I have good friends, including you, who me brought to life. Now I am very happy “, he assured before adding: “I quit using alcohol and drugs three years ago. Now I live in a very healthy way, my girlfriend cooks very healthily for me. It got me in shape and made me feel good “.

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