Jan-Paul Pouliquen, activist for the rights of LGBT + people and craftsman of the PACS, is dead

Many personalities from the political and associative world pay homage to the one who imagined the contours of the civil union contract between people of the same sex, the Pacs, ancestor of marriage for all.

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A person in front of the town hall of Menton (Alpes-Maritimes), November 9, 2017. (JEAN FRAN?OIS OTTONELLO / MAXPPP)

“Jan-Paul Pouliquen had the intelligence of freedom to the point of inventing what would become the PACSand the incredible nerve to move heaven and earth to make it happen.” On social networks, tributes are multiplying, Sunday April 30, after the announcement of the death of the 69-year-old LGBT + rights activist, Jan-Paul Pouliquen, Friday, in Trappes (Yvelines), said Le Monde. Fr. Over the course of our militant years, he passed on to me the requirement of citizenship”reacted Denis Quinqueton, one of the architects at his side of the PACS, an innovative civil union contract accessible to same-sex couples, established in 1999, 14 years before marriage for all.

Jan-Paul Pouliquen founded the Homosexuality and Socialism Association (HES), in the 1980s. “Activist for equality and emancipation, he was one of the leaders of the Collective for the CUS, which will become the Pacs, of which he was one of the craftsmen”, paid tribute to the organization, who will pay tribute to him on June 3on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its creation.

“We owe him so much”, greeted on Twitter Patrick Bloche, Deputy Mayor of Paris. “Our rights today owe so much to the struggles of those who, against all odds, fought to make them happen. reacted for his part the Parisian elected David Belliard, in a tweet published on Sunday.

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