Jams in the spotlight on France Bleu Alsace

Having become an essential part of breakfasts, jam invites itself to our tables to bring a sweet and delicate flavor. Made from fruits, vegetables, stems, leaves or flowers cooked with sugar, jams come in several flavors depending on the time of year.

We cook them this Thursday with Perrine KRENCKER-HILBERER of Climont jams in Ranrupt from 10 a.m. on France Bleu Alsace

Your recipes and tips from 10 a.m. And try your luck at Cart Challenge ! Every day at 10:50 a.m., our chef awaits your call.

The principle is simple:

  • give 4 to 5 ingredients that you have in your kitchen cupboards, your fridge, your pantry or your vegetable garden
  • you ask him for a recipe for a starter, a main course, a dessert or even an aperitif
  • in 2 minutesthe Chef present in the studio must imagine a recipe based on the products offered

Until October 31st, it’s Operation “Let’s taste Alsace” in your restaurants with the brands Savor Alsace and Savor Alsace local products.

“Want to eat local products at the restaurant? In October, choosing an establishment participating in the Dégustons l’Alsace operation means ensuring the origin and quality of the products, while supporting the local economy!

Find the list of restaurants on gastronomy.alsace. So, happy tasting! To watch!

As part of this operation, for the basket challenge, Savor Alsace and Savor Alsace local products and Federation of Chefs of Alsace offer you

– 100 euros to be used in one of the partner restaurants + a gourmet basket

Federation of Chefs of Alsace

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