James Middleton: First wedding anniversary with Alizée, very special moment

Like most Britons, James Middleton, son of Carole and Michael Middleton and brother of Pippa and Kate, who became Princess of Wales, does not have the heart to party. In question, the disappearance at the age of 96 of Queen Elizabeth II, left for her castle of Balmoral in Scotland, surrounded by her children. The monarchy has all its importance among our friends across the Channel. So losing such a monument plunged everyone into a bath of sadness.

This Monday, September 12, James Middleton nevertheless celebrates a happy event in his life: his very first year of marriage with Alizée Thévenet, a Frenchwoman met in 2018 thanks to one of her doggies. If he obviously gave a wink to his darling for the occasion on Instagram, the joy and the lightness were not really present. Rather than posting a snapshot of them at their wedding, it was a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip on their wedding day that he unveiled instead.

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