Jamel Debbouze fiercely opposed to the ideas of Marine Le Pen, the comedian censors himself for a very special reason!

Like many stars, Jamel Debbouze has had the chance to rub shoulders with many political figures. And the darling of Mélissa Theuriau has always been transparent about it. It is above all the left-wing parties that brilliantly represent its values. In 2007, the comedian openly supported Ségolène Royal, the former candidate of the socialists. In the past, the artist has also repeatedly educated young people about politics. The opportunity for him to alert his fans about the program of the Front National (Rassemblement National ndlr).

But as the legislative elections approach, Jamel Debbouze prefers to remain silent… He did the same during the 2022 presidential election. Worldthe star assured that at “ at the time it was worth it (to encourage people to block the RN), today (he) considers that it is a “real” National Front, it is a front of misery “. If Marine Le Pen seems to seduce more and more French people, Jamel Debbouze analyzes the situation with philosophy.

“France is an old lady who just needs to be reassured…”

“If France were racist, it would be a long time since we were all out” entrusted the dad of Leon and Lila. “The score of the National Front is a score of people who can’t make ends meet. That’s the problem of France: they send us pomp, everywhere it’s beautiful, but not on your plate. It would take an accountant to make a better distribution! France is an old lady who just needs to be reassured. We are very grateful for what you have done for us, you have educated us, cared for us, trust us”.

But Jamel Debbouze’s point of view is not always unanimous. Quite the contrary! “When I say that I love France, that it’s the best country in the world for many things, I get really pissed off in some neighborhoods. I feel a split, because some young people, today, have not had the same history as me with France, and that is a shame. confessed the producer who ensures that “a lot of things are progressing”.“Kylian Mbappé, born of a marriage between a Kabyle and a Cameroonian, now at the forefront of our French football team and representing France internationally, that means something”, he underlined not without pride.


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