Jalil Lespert: Rare photo of his daughters Gena and Kahina, who looks exactly like Sonia Rolland

Laeticia Hallyday has been swimming in happiness for two years. If the absence of Johnny Hallyday is still felt, the widow of the rocker has found a smile in the arms of director Jalil Lespert. Since their eyes met, the lovebirds have never left each other. A love at first sight well set to settle in the long term. The couple therefore passed the stages with flying colors. In addition to having acquired a house in Los Angeles, Laeticia Hallyday and Jalil Lespert presented themselves to their respective children. And everything seems to be going like clockwork for the blended family.

When Laeticia Hallyday is not passing through Paris, where she tries unsuccessfully to sell the house in Marnes-la-Coquette, she takes her daughters Jade, 17, and Joy, 14, to the island of Saint -Barthélémy where they had their habits with Johnny. But for two years, the holidays often take place in the presence of Jalil Lespert. This year, a little novelty: his children, at least Gena, 17 (born of his relationship with Bérangère Allaux) and Kahina, 11 (fruit of his love with Sonia Rolland), have also been invited.

In his Instagram story (see slideshow), Jalil Lespert revealed a snapshot of his two daughters, Gena tenderly kissing his half-sister on the cheek during a baptism ceremony in Lorient. The perfect opportunity to see that the young Kahina is already the spitting image of her famous mother. The little girl displays a sulky pout, worthy of a real model, a career also embraced by her mother.

Jalil Lespert and Sonia Rolland stayed together for nine years. A story that began with love at first sight during a photo shoot. Barely a few months later, Kahina was pointing the tip of her nose. The love will not have lasted in the end. In October 2018, Jalil Lespert and Sonia Rolland put an end to their relationship, remaining on good terms for the well-being of their daughter: “We get along very well you know, for our daughtershe confided to Bernard Montiel on RTL. So I’m happy for him if he’s happy. I am happy because my daughter is happy.“An end as we like them!

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