Jair Bolsonaro still silent after losing to Lula

This heavy silence reminds many Brazilians that Jair Bolsonaro has repeatedly threatened not to recognize the verdict of the ballot box if he loses.

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An unusual silence. Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro remains walled in his silence on Tuesday, November 1, more than 24 hours after his defeat against Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva dit Lula. The president-elect has also received numerous calls from foreign leaders congratulating him on his election.

After losing narrowly to Lula on Sunday, the incumbent head of state – until the handover on January 1 – isolated himself in his official residence of Alvorada in Brasilia. He went Monday morning to the Planalto Palace, the seat of the presidency, then returned in the afternoon to his residence, without making the slightest statement, noted an AFP photographer. This heavy silence, of which Lula had said to be “worried” from Sunday evening, reminds many Brazilians that Jair Bolsonaro had repeatedly threatened not to recognize the verdict of the ballot box if he lost.

This climate of uncertainty was reflected in the volatility of the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, the first financial center in Latin America, which, after having opened in the red, closed on an increase of 1.36%, after many variations. during the session. The Brazilian real gained more than 2% against the dollar. At the same time, supporters of the far-right president blocked highways across the country on Monday. In Brasilia, security has been reinforced “preventively” near the Place des Trois Pouvoirs, which brings together the Presidential Palace, the Supreme Court and the Parliament, in anticipation of the possible arrival of pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators.

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