Jair Bolsonaro has still not spoken after the election of his opponent


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More than 24 hours afterelection of Lula, I have r Bolsonarothe outgoing president, remains silent, Tuesday, November 1. The tension remains palpable in the country. On the spot, we find the journalist Naoufel Elkhaouafi.

I have r Bolsonarooutgoing president, has still not recognized his defeat on Tuesday 1 November.Brazilians eagerly await the first words of outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro.”reports the journalist Naoufel Elkhaouafiduplex since Sao Paulo (Brazil).We thought he was going to speak yesterday, but finally according to our information, it will be today instead”he continues. His relatives tried to convince him to finally break the silence.

A text yesterday was even suggested to him, a speech during which Jair Bolsonaro should recognize his defeat, recognize at the same time the victory of Lula, the leftist candidate, without ever congratulating him.“, details Naoufel Elkhaouafi. This defeat is very painful for Bolsonaro.The question now is how will this transition process, which should begin in the coming days, unfold?“and in particular the investiture ceremony which will take place on January 1st.

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