Jada Pinkett-Smith breaks the silence: strange first words after the slap of Will Smith at the Oscars

Jada Pinkett-Smith, 50, mother of two of Will Smith’s children, Jaden and Willow, imagined herself spending another evening this Sunday, dressed in a emerald green creation by Jean Paul Gaultier. Especially since it was the day her husband, married in 1997, won his first oscar for best actor for his performance in The Williams Methoda feature film on the journey of Serena and Venus Williams with their father Richard.

Everything changed when Will Smith went on stage after the joke of Chris Rock, one of the presenters of the show. The latter mocked the shaved head of the one with whom he collaborated in the saga Madagascar, comparing it with that of Demi Moore in On Equal Terms (GI Jane). At first, the Men in Black seems to be amused by the comic’s speech, but Jada Pinkett-Smith showed her annoyance by rolling her eyes.

Indeed, Chris Rock tackles a health problem of the actress, suffering alopecia. A topic she addressed publicly on her show Red Table Talk from 2018: “It was horrible when it started. I was in the shower one day and just had handfuls of hair in my hands. I thought to myself that I was going bald. It was the first time in my life that I literally trembled with fear.“Alopecia areata – hair loss – which Jada Pinkett Smith seems to suffer from,”is a autoimmune disease sometimes associated with other autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis or vitiligo for example, this autoimmune reaction attacks the bulbs of the hair”explains dermatologist Marie Jourdan on Doctissimo.

In his apology message to Chris Rock, Will Smith then declared that this joke had crossed a line: “My behavior last night at the Oscars was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s health issue was too much for me and i reacted emotionally“, he explained, explicitly rejecting”all violence“. The Smith couple has a history with Chris Rock: The latter had already targeted the star duo in his spades during the Oscars in 2016.

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