Jacques Spiesser married with Martine: the only photos of his magnificent wife!

Jacques Spiesser is mainly known as Commissioner Magellan, a series which is to be found this Saturday July 30, 2022 on the antennas of France 3. In real life, it is the role of husband that he endorses, with his wife Martine, whom he married in 1984. Since then, the 75-year-old actor seems very fulfilled in his couple. They notably had two children together: Jérémy and Julia.

Martine has been supporting her husband, for all these years, in his numerous shoots. But she has always remained in the shadows despite the great exposure of her husband. The latter has also made sure that his private life, especially sentimental, is preserved as much as possible. “I do not know how to do. It’s not my temper. I’d rather have people’s hearts than be in the media” he explained in 2014, during an interview with our colleagues from TV Magazine.

Rare appearance of his wife

However, if Martine’s public appearances are almost non-existent, she revealed her sublime face as well as her magnificent red hair, one evening in November 2010, at the Élysée Palace in Paris.

An exceptional evening during which the actor Francis Huster received, from the hands of the President of the Republic at the time Nicolas Sarkozy, the insignia of Commander of the National Order of Merit. Martine then took the pose with the actor, as well as her husband. But apart from this event, she is very discreet. Her husband Jacques Spiesser prefers that we talk about his career in cinema as well as on television. That said, there are things to be said about it!

Jacques Spiesser is an experienced actor: he has acted in around forty films at the cinema, whether in Swiss madness (1985) by Christine Lipinska, in All that for this ! (1992) by the immense Claude Lelouch, in After reconciliation (2000) by Anne-Marie Miéville, in i am a killer (2006) by Thomas Vincent or even in the comedy Coco (2009) by comedian Gad Elmaleh.

His television appearances have also marked the general public. He played in very famous detective series like Julie Lescaut, Navarro, Columbo, Les Cordier judge and cop or Louis Page. He also excelled at the theater, notably alongside Francis Huster in the plays royal suite but also The Cid. Which then explains his presence during this famous evening at the Élysée in 2010.

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