Jacques Rançon: The serial killer “hit the body of” Marie-Hélène, sordid revelations

Judged on appeal for the murder of Isabelle Mesnage in this month of June 2022, a young woman of 20 years old found dead in 1986, Jacques Rançon already had terrible misdeeds on his account. In 2018, he was sentenced to life imprisonment, with 22 years of security, for the murder and rape of two other young women, which he does not dispute. They are two young women, once again, Moktaria and Marie-Hélène. In the episode of Let the accused enter devoted to this terrible character on France 2, the detail of the aggression of one of them sends chills down the spine.

On June 26, 1998, near a highway, in a wild dump, a rag picker discovered a body in a fetal position concealed under a carpet and boxes: it is that of a woman, who is decomposing. “It’s missing the head, the wrists, it was eviscerated. The genitals and anal parts have been removed. But in this case the cuts are different from those of Moktaria, it’s rough. Looks like the murderer went after the body“, explains the policeman Guy Armand.

His body is in a terrible state, because of putrefaction since he has been there for a week but not only. “Incisions on the chest, hip, thigh. Two meters from the body, in a box, a pile of decomposing flesh, probably the victim’s viscera. But the head and the hands are nowhere to be found“, we hear in the documentary. What make it very difficult to identify the victim, but the police quickly make the connection with the disappearance, ten days earlier, of a young woman: Marie-Hélène Gonzalez. of her parents, the genetic analyzes are clear, it is really about her.

Marie-Hélène Gonzalez had fainted in the Perpignan station area, about six months after Moktaria disappeared. This macabre discovery also occurs three months after the savage attack on Sabrina, a miraculous survivor thanks to the intervention of a resident. It is his vile modus operandi that will, among other things, make the link with the assassination of Isabelle Mesnage which occurred twelve years earlier and which, at the time, had remained unsolved.

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