Jacques Martin tyrannical and abusive? 15 years after his brutal disappearance, his ex-wife swings!

Jacques Martin revolutionized the field of television in his own way with his cult shows. The star won over the crowds with “Dimanche Martin”, “L’École des fans” and “Le Petit Rapporteur”. In 2007, the famous presenter returned his last at the age of 74 after having chained health concerns. He leaves behind eight children.

His daughter Elise Martin, born of his past relationship with Annie Lefèvre, his first companion, agreed to make some confidences about his famous parent in the columns of Gala. “Our mom had a drinking problem. She had sunk a bit into this hell and dad was always there to help David and me, to try to support mum, to take care of her. He was always very present. Maybe even too much, because seeing him caring about her that much gave her hope.”she revealed to our colleagues.

“He also knew how to be very unpleasant”

This Friday April 29, 2022, it was Danièle Evenou who spoke more about Jacques Martin, her former husband, on the set of It’s up to you. As a reminder, the actress shared her life between 1973 and 1980. As pointed out Here isthe 4 next husband, Paris Premiere will honor the incredible journey of the ex-host. To complete the project, relatives and collaborators pitched in to pay tribute to his memory.

“He knew how to do everything”underlined Danièle Evenou and to specify not without bitterness: “He also knew how to be very disagreeable, I tell you… He could be very disagreeable”. Facing the camera, the artist went further in the face of the laughter of the other columnists and guests: “He knew how to do everything and I will make a confession to you. You always had to be perfect, and the whole family and even the women all know how to make Jacques Martin gratin dauphinois and no one else”.


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