Jacques Chirac, December 31, 2006

This series is interested until Friday December 31 in the wishes of the Presidents of the Republic, but in very particular wishes, and which reason with those that will formulate Emmanuel Macron in a few days: the last wishes of a mandate.

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Reading time : 1 min.

“My dear compatriots, from metropolitan France, from overseas, from abroad. On the eve of the year 2007 which will be particularly important for the future of our country. I address from the bottom of my heart to each one and to each of you, my warmest wishes. ” It is with a tired voice that Jacques Chirac completes his twelfth and final year at the Elysee Palace. Jacques Chirac, elected in 1995 then re-elected in 2002, has chained a seven-year term and a five-year term.

On December 31, 2006, very unpopular and weakened by a stroke in 2005, he still had doubts about a new candidacy, a doubt he maliciously entertained during his vows: “Between now and the elections, I will have a double requirement: that the government is at work, at your service for security, for employment, for purchasing power. And that these months are also moments of open debate, democratic and responsible and I will fully commit to it “, Jacques Chirac formula.

“I will fully commit to it”, in what form ? Mystery… In these wishes, Jacques Chirac reaffirms his European commitment and his rejection of extremism, which gives them the appearance of a political testament.

In fact, in March, he will officially announce not to run for a third term, making these wishes of December 31, 2006 his last as president, wishes which end with a call for the political commitment of citizens, a call to bring democracy to life: “Next spring, you will have to make decisive choices. Make your convictions live intensely. You are the sovereign people. France needs each and every one of you. She is counting on you. Long live the Republic and long live la France”, concludes Jacques Chirac.

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