Jacques Audiard mourns the death of his mother Marie-Christine

The dramas, he sometimes likes to tell them in the cinema, certainly not to live them. On January 21, 2022, Jacques Audiard joined the rest of the family to announce the death of his mother Marie-Christine Guibert occurred on January 17 in the logbook Le Figaro. With him, Stéphane and Charlotte Audiard, Marie-José Audiard, Marion Vernoux, Jeanne and Robin, Tessa, Joseph, Eloi, Aminthe, Anselme, Thalia specify that the matriarch was 95 years old and that his funeral”will take place in the intimacy of the family“.

Marie-Christine Guibert had evolved in a world of cinema since she was the wife of Michel Audiard. The couple were married on May 3, 1947 in the Saint-Dominique church in Paris, located in the 14th arrondissement. Nicknamed Cri-crishe had two sons, Jacques, of course, but also François, who died in 1975 at the age of 26. A drama which had considerably marked the family and which had inspired, in its own way, Jacques Audiard.

There are no words for this loss

In 2018, the director actually dedicated his film The Sisters Brothers at François, died in a car accident. A very personal feature film, adapted from the novel by Patrick deWitt with John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix, with a slight nod to reality – and rewarded at the Venice Film Festival and at the Césars. “Beyond mourning, it’s something very heavyhe explained to the newspaper The Parisian. There are no words to describe this loss. We do not say orphan of brother or son. I was very close to François until around the age of 12. I was three years younger than him. He went to boarding school. We lost sight of each other. I went to boarding school myself. When we met, we were very different. Life took us away from each other“Perhaps the filmmaker will reach the Oscars or the Cannes Film Festival by tapping into his recent sadness…

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