Jacques and Thomas Dutronc: Vibrant tribute to Françoise Hardy planned for the next concerts

Laughter, emotion and lots of songs. For the very first time, Jacques and Thomas Dutronc are embarking on a joint tour, entitled Dutronc et Dutronc, which begins on Tuesday April 12, 2022 in the town of Courbevoie, in Hauts-de-Seine. Father and son will then combine their voices and their repertoires during some forty shows that they will unveil throughout France until the end of the summer. Then will come the time to return to Corsica, where they both live.

This is my mother’s favorite song

Of course, viewers will find, by attending these incredible shows, emblematic titles from their two careers. With a few surprises in store. Jacques Dutronc will, for example, open the concerts by singing two songs by his 48-year-old son, Like a gypsy without a guitar then Sesame. “This is my mother’s favorite songexplains Thomas Dutronc in the columns of the newspaper The Parisian. I thought it would make incredible sense if my dad sang it.”

As a couple from 1967 to the 1990s, Françoise Hardy and Jacques Dutronc have always remained very close. They are, moreover, still married more than 30 years after their separation. This is why the artist, who will celebrate his 79th birthday on April 28, 2022, wanted to slip “a small tribute“to his former companion on the Dutronc and Dutronc tour.”She worries about everything, but I think she’s very happyhe adds. It’s a bit for her that I’m here too. She said to me: ‘It makes Thomas so happy, I have never seen him so happy’. It also makes him happy that I am there. And I’m happy too…

According to information from Parisian, Jacques Dutronc can no longer play the guitar but he is replaced, on guitar, by his son Thomas and by Fred Chapellier. The tour begins with a bang… but with a few unforeseen events. Thomas Dutronc has actually caught Covid-19 and must keep a mask and distance from his father, even on stage, until he is sure and certain that he is no longer contagious.

Find the interview of Jacques and Thomas Dutronc in the newspaper Le Parisien of April 12, 2022.

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