Jacques and Gabriella from Monaco no longer go to school: surprising decision in Charlene’s absence

Deprived of their mother for many months, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella (6 years old) returned to CP only accompanied by their father, last September. After having done their nursery years at the Stella school in Monaco, the twins of Prince Albert and Princess Charlene were to continue their education at the François d’Assise – Nicolas Barré school, located on the border between the Rocher and Beausoleil . But a specialized site now claims that the two little blond heads have deserted the playground …

According to a visibly reliable source who confided in Royal Stories, Albert of Monaco decided to withdraw his children from primary school so that they could finally be homeschooled. The chronology and the reason for this change have not been specified. On the other hand, Jacques and Gabriella would not be alone since a semblance of class would have been constituted with other comrades “selected with great care“. A practice which thus recalls that of the Court of Morocco with its princes and princesses, educated at the royal palace in Rabat with other students.

Decidedly, the last few months have not been easy for Jacques and Gabriella. In addition to this two-step start to school, the twins find themselves deprived of their mother, held in South Africa since the beginning of spring, due to a serious ENT infection. The children were able to visit him briefly last June, accompanied by their father Prince Albert, as well as a second time at the end of the summer. A reunion that the little family had not failed to immortalize.

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