Jackie Chan’s next film shot in Syria



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A film crew has taken up residence in Syria in a former Islamic State stronghold. An action movie set for a production by kung fu star Jackie Chan.

Tanks south of Damascus (Syria). It’s the start of filming for the new film “Home Operation”, produced by Hong Kong kung fu star Jackie Chan. The story tells of China’s evacuation of hundreds of Chinese and foreign citizens from Yemen in 2015, in the midst of civil war.

The ghostly neighborhood of Al-Hajar al-Aswad, once densely populated, became an IS stronghold in 2014. It is from there that the jihadist group launches its attacks against Damascus and the regime of Bashar al-Assad, whose troops retook the area in 2018. Yesterday, the scene of fierce fighting, today an open-air setting. “Building such sets in the studio is very expensive, here the studio is already ready”declares Rawad Chahine, member of the Syrian team of the shooting which should continue in other zones of Syria.

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