Jack Wagner (Melrose Place): The causes of the death of his son finally revealed

It’s a real drama that has just touched Jack Wagner, the actor of the American soap opera Melrose Place. Her 27-year-old son, named Harrison, was found dead in a Los Angeles parking lot on June 6. He was found by the police who confirmed his death, according to information from the Mail Online. His cause of death was investigated and autopsy results confirmed that he passed away due to his addictions to drugs and alcohol.

We are heartbroken that he finally lost his battle with addiction“said his family, while explaining that they had created a fund in his name, dedicated to young men who must pay their rent at New Life House, a detox center that takes care of “young men in recovery”. “He left behind many men and family members who loved him dearly” relatives also said.

“Broken heart”

Sophia Bui, his companion for seven years, also spoke on the networks. The actress said “to have a broken heart “.”Sorry, I’ve missed your calls in the middle of the night for the past few days. I miss sleeping curled up in your polar bear arms. I miss sending you stupid animal videos. I miss you sending me beautiful songs that make me cry“, she added.

Her companion had been battling his addiction issues for many years. In July 2016, he had been missing for almost a week after undergoing rehab. “I fear for the safety of my youngest son.” his father said on Twitter at the time.

His father Jack Wagner is a very famous actor and singer in the United States, mainly known for his roles in television series Melrose Place as well as’Love glory and beauty. He married in 1993 to Kristina Wagner, Harrison’s mother. They are also parents to Kerry and Peter. The latter has also paid tribute to his little brother by sharing several photos of him on his social networks.

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