The Minister of Justice was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday February 29, 2024.
Reading time: 25 min

Éric Dupond-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals and Minister of Justice, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday February 29, 2024. Inclusion of abortion in the Constitution, PPDA affair… He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
IVG in the Constitution: “Finally!”
“Finally, this fundamental freedom for women to dispose of their bodies will enter our Constitution”reacts Éric Dupond-Moretti, after the adoption of the bill which aims to include voluntary termination of pregnancy in the Constitution.
The Minister of Justice “hope for everything [son] heart” that the congress, which is to meet on Monday March 4 in Versailles, “will have been expressed in the sense you imagine. A three-fifths majority is required for final adoption by Parliament.
Abortion: “there are threats”
Asked about an infographic broadcast by the Cnews channel, in which the number of abortions is associated with the number of deaths linked to cancer and tobacco, Eric Dupond-Moretti “feared” that the freedom to resort to abortion “be discussed by others later”. He also quotes Reconquête! senator, Stéphane Ravier. This “zemourist who comes out of Marine Le Pen’s stable” East “clearly against abortion” and he is “in flesh and blood the illustration that there are threats”.
Thus, with the inscription of the “freedom guaranteed” to resort to abortion in the Constitution, a “repeal of the Veil law will not be possible” And “we cannot drastically change the rules that already govern”.
PPDA case: “I say be careful of imprescriptibility”
The Minister of Justice was questioned on this subject while the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office announced Thursday that the investigating judges’ investigation into the former journalist and presenter of TF1’s 8 p.m. show, Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, will focus on three rapes and one sexual assault. “I say be careful of imprescriptibility”warns Éric Dupond-Moretti. “This can be disappointing, many women will be met with an acquittal, a dismissal of proceedings, a dismissal of the case or an acquittal of the accused, for lack of evidence”.
Prescription: “Be careful of imprescriptibility, it can be disappointing,” declares Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of Justice.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) February 29, 2024
Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of Thursday February 29: