“I’ve never had so much pain”: Sylvie Tellier still in pain after her accident, her difficult daily life

After Sophie’s misfortune, soon a remake with Les misheurs by Sylvie Tellier? While she was thinking of relaxing skiing with her family, the stay of Oscar’s mother (soon 11 years old, born of her former union with Camille Le Maux), Margaux and Romeo (7 years old and 3 years old, the fruit of her marriage to Laurent) turned into a nightmare. She was the victim of an accident, a subject on which she returned to the story on January 4, 2022.

Sylvie Tellier will remember her vacation in Avoriaz for a long time. The general manager of the company Miss France has been suffering since her skiing accident which resulted in a rupture of the internal ligament and the anterior cruciate. She was recently repatriated by ambulance to Paris to return to her cozy nest. And, unsurprisingly, it should stay immobilized as much as possible. Sylvie Tellier has for twelve weeks of convalescence, a blow for her.

“It exhausts me all that. (…) So yes it hurts. I didn’t know it but a torn ligament hurts“, she confided Tuesday in story. As if that were not enough, her au pair tested positive for Covid-19 she revealed. She then took the time to answer questions of her community. And one of the internet users wanted to know how much she was rating pain on a scale of 1 to 10. “When I fell, 10 direct. I have never had so much pain in my life. I thought my leg was torn off. Next door, going to give birth is like going to the SPA. After as soon as I’m at rest it’s bearable, 5-6. But as soon as I move, it climbs“, replied Sylvie Tellier.

This situation is all the more complicated for the charming 43-year-old blonde, as she is used to being very active. Besides the fact that she has a hard time keeping in place, she is therefore worried about the future. “It’s terrible. It hurts. It’s long. You can not do anything. What really worries me the most is not regaining my athletic ability. Because sport for me is actually necessary, it’s my oxygen bubble. And there when I am told about the state of my knee, I am very anxious. I want to run, I want to cycle, paddle, yoga …“, she confided shortly after the accident.

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