Ivanka Trump: Her husband voluntarily hid his illness during Donald Trump’s mandate

This is an unexpected revelation to say the least. In his memoirs entitled Breaking History: A White House Memoir, which will be published on August 9, Jared Kushner, the husband of Ivanka Trump, revealed to have suffered from thyroid cancer when he served in the White House as a senior adviser to the maligned President Donald Trump with his wife Ivanka, who is one of the Republican’s daughters.

He reportedly learned the news in October 2019, just before leaving to visit a Louis Vuitton factory in Texas, accompanied by his wife and the president at the time. “The morning I flew to Texas to attend the Louis Vuitton factory opening, White House physician Sean Conley pulled me aside in the medical cabin of Air Force One. ‘Your test results have arrived from Walter Reed [un célèbre hôpital de Washington, ndlr]. You have cancer. We have to operate on you right away’“he confided, according to the pages of the memoirs consulted by the New York Times.

“I know everything”

The one who had recently traveled to New York to attend the funeral of his mother-in-law Ivana Trump, also explained in his book that he had, at the time, asked the doctor not to warn his wife and his father-in-law of his illness. He decided to announce the bad news to his darling himself. He also warned two aides he was close to as well as White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.

He had decided not to tell anyone else about it because the doctors had withdrawn “a substantial part of [sa] thyroid“Except to his surprise, his father-in-law and then-President Donald Trump had already been informed of the situation, without his knowledge.”I am the president. I know everything. I understand that you want to keep this to yourself. I’m the same with these kinds of problems” had explained the republican to the husband of his daughter, before telling him about his imminent operation. “Everything will be alright. Don’t worry about work. We take care of everything here” he added.

Confident, Jared Kushner, wrote in the book that he remembered at that time that he was “in the hands of God and doctors“.

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