The President of the Republic notably announced that the competition to become school teachers will now be taken at the end of the license, instead of the current master 2.
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“This bac +3 competition is synonymous with deskilling our professions, it is very serious for the future of the school”, warns Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of the Snes-FSU union Friday April 5 on franceinfo. Emmanuel Macron announced that for school teachers, “the competition will be taken at the end of the license”or at bac +3 instead of bac +5.
A measure supposed to attract more teachers, which the unions perceive as “a blow to social dialogue”, Sophie Vénétitay regrets in particular that the unions were not asked to discuss this subject. The Snes-FSU opposes this competition after only three years of study, its general secretary judges it “extremely problematic” and fears that candidates will master less disciplinary knowledge.
Sophie Vénétitay considers that this reform will not help attract more people to the teaching profession. “This is an off-topic copy from Emmanuel Macron, who prefers to talk about the competition rather than working and salary conditions”which she considers to be the two main obstacles to the attractiveness of the profession.