“It’s up to us to resolve the break with rural people,” says Fabien Gouttefarde, LREM deputy for Eure.

Eure is the only department in Normandy to have placed Marine Le Pen in the lead in the second round of the presidential elections on Sunday evening. A disavowal for the presidential majority. Fabien Gouttefarde was the guest of France Bleu Normandie this Tuesday morning to review these results.

For the deputy, they illustrate the break between rurality and Emmanuel Macron. “Our job will be to explain what we have done and what we are doing for rurality, explains Fabien Gouttefarde. We will have to explain that public services are not in decline in our rural areas.

The deputy recognizes that the small sentences released during the five-year term by Emmanuel Macron could have tarnished his image and fueled resentment. “There is indeed work to be done, but the first word now is consultation, discussion. The President of the Republic has fully integrated it.”

“We need consistency in politics”

Fabien Gouttefard is not yet officially a legislative candidate. He awaits the investiture of La République en Marche, which should arrive in the coming days according to the outgoing deputy.

Will a LREM tidal wave take place like in 2017? The member for Eure in doubt. “It is possible that we have two waves according to the projections: one for the benefit of the majority and I don’t know if it will reach Eure ; a second important wave for the benefit of National Rally deputies.

To maximize his chances, the MP believes that more program explanation is needed. He also appeals to the common sense of voters: the meaning of the legislative, it is not the revenge but give a majority to the President of the Republic to act, to protect the French. There needs to be consistency in politics.”

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