It’s up to us to lead the artificial intelligence revolution

Will humanity survive the climate bomb and stratospheric inequalities? These cataclysms will have to be vigorously fought, collectively. And artificial intelligence (AI) will be key in these fights.

AI to the rescue? Wealth gaps will become even more toxic, or not; it will depend on who will benefit from the pharaonic profits that the AI ​​will inevitably generate. More inequalities will generate fewer collective societal decisions beneficial to the vast majority. More conflicts too, especially with climate change.

Unfortunately, there are only a few years (or even a few months?) left before the advent of the first AI trillionaires. Conversely, if AI develops mainly for the benefit of all, the growth of inequalities – already unprecedented – can at least be curbed, while the climate crisis can be reduced with this technology… and a lot of popular will. Two necessary conditions for a positive net impact of AI.

Essential social entrepreneurs

Quebec businesses, employees, foundations and NPOs will have a key role to play. Our business class is much more egalitarian than the one south of our border. Our successful social innovations — our CPEs, labor investment funds, the Chantier de l’économie sociale, the DPJ (when sufficiently funded) — are inspiring and recognized worldwide.

It is time for us, committed citizens and businesses, to seize the bull by the horns. Let’s create the world we want to live in. And if we want the primacy of profit to no longer be pervasive, we will have to export these AI business models internationally.

A digital magic wand

To achieve this, think of AI as a magic wand that you can apply to a concrete environmental or social problem for you, whose needs you know well and of which there is already a lot of content currently accessible online, in the form of millions of videos, studies, blog posts, guides and tools.

This magic wand can already do almost everything, and that’s just the beginning. Our vision for a socially innovative AI can, for example, offer Quebec SMEs a virtual assistant that will put artificial intelligence at the service of their social and environmental commitment, in addition to offering them personalized support and resources, suppliers and financing that are available to them. available.

This is ChatESG’s somewhat crazy bet, which we are launching these days. SMEs do not have a lot of resources or time. They need an affordable and rigorous alternative to the corporate social responsibility consultant model. These consultants — who sell banks of hours — will retain their relevance in their respective ecosystems for more complex mandates.

Take the example of DuProprio, this start-up technology — another local success story — which quickly and lastingly transformed the balance of power between home buyers, sellers and brokers.

DuProprio has democratized buying and selling homes. Let’s do the same for environmental and social problems – mental health, school dropouts, homelessness – by contrasting them with a technology with unlimited resources that can be put at the service of the vast majority of the 8 billion human needs. infinite.

Unlike ChatGPT, the algorithm and parameters of ChatESG are much more regulated. The algorithm is trained on millions of scientific content and good practices in social impact and sustainable development.

This big data is synthesized by the AI ​​in days or weeks, then etched into its memory. Enough to keep an extremely productive human occupied for 60 years if he works there 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thus, a simple oral or written conversation between a CEO and such an assistant virtual will allow the AI ​​to instantly present him with the best options.

The future of AI will be both specialized and personalized virtual assistants.

IA c. social problems

Obviously, the risks of AI must be democratically framed. However, this should not prevent us from experimenting and innovating for good causes. Another example is ChatDPJ, a virtual assistant – currently in development – ​​that will accompany ex-DPJs in their transition to adulthood. The possibilities are limitless.

Let’s rely on collaborative business models, which complement the essential expertise and organizations that already exist, regardless of the field; this will multiply the impact. Let’s co-create the next applications combining AI and existing resources, with a process based on best practices in the field. Let’s develop the next ChatPME, ChatOBNL, Chat Roaming, Mental Health Chat, lark. Dare, dare.

AI will radically transform our societies. All the more reason to co-develop solutions representing everyone’s opinion. Let’s propose the best paths, with an AI that represents our priorities, our values, our expertise and our ability to innovate. The innovations that stand out and impose themselves first will dictate the standards and the economy of tomorrow. It’s a race against time. We must be the precursors of this revolution.

To use the expression, don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the Moon.

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