“It’s unexpected, we will not go bankrupt”, the good financial operation of the National Rally

With his score achieved in the first round of the legislativethe party, on the verge of bankruptcy for years, can now hope for an allocation of at least seven million euros per year.

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With 4.2 million votes obtained in the first round, the RN is making financial progress in addition to the electoral push. Because the legislative elections are also an opportunity for the parties to recover a public grant according to the results obtained. “It’s unexpected, we will not go bankrupt”rejoiced on Wednesday June 15 an elected member of the National Rally on franceinfo, four days before the second round of the legislative elections.

>> Legislative: why these elections represent a major financial challenge for political parties

For the National Rally, on the verge of bankruptcy for years, it’s a good deal. With more than 23 million euros in debt, the party has scared itself on several occasions, fearing that it will no longer be able to function. Last winter, in the middle of the presidential campaign, the staff had feared that it would no longer be able to pay suppliers. RN executives therefore do their accounts. With his score achieved in the first round, the State will pay him each year for five years nearly seven million euros. Never had the party received so much public money. But we must add to this what the deputies will report. A group of 30 elected officials, for example, brings in one million euros more each year. In all, the annual allocation of the RN could be around eight million euros, against just over five million over the previous term.

The priority displayed in the short term for the National Rally is to repay creditors, starting with the famous Russian loan, criticized by Emmanuel Macron during the debate between two rounds of the presidential election. “There is a political interest in repaying it quickly, it did us a disservice during the presidential election. It will be one less angle of attack in 2027”hopes a party cadre.

The legislative score will also allow the RN to have more money to operate. Last year, the party had to lay off, but also to professionalize more. The creation of a parliamentary group could also help Marine Le Pen’s party to be “fueled with solid gray matter”, points out a frame. But an elected official warns: with these new means, “we are not going to have to start distributing insane wages to everyone”. But if the money is well spent, “we will perhaps go from the functioning of a sect to that of an adult party.”

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