“It’s unbearable”: Yannick Jadot in a relationship with Isabelle Saporta, he regrets the consequences of his campaign

Representative of the Europe Ecologique les Verts party for the presidential elections, Yannick Jadot has the difficult task of gathering as many voters as possible while the voting intentions currently credit him with 5%. In interview for the magazine Shehe highlights the feminist values ​​that are marked in his movement and approaches in this way the place of his partner Isabelle Saporta.

Tiredness” according to the journalists of the magazine She, Yannick Jadot is not short of work on the eve of the elections. He was recently opposite Eric Zemmour in Elysee 2022 this March 17, for an electric debate. He must also recover from the clash which pitted him against Sandrine Rousseau, an eco-feminist who marked the EELV primary who was excluded from the campaign for her remarks off against party executives. An intense context for the 54-year-old politician who can count on the support of his beloved. The latter was not spared either by the campaign as he confides to the weekly.

The first thing I observe is the damage of my campaign on my companion. She is a journalist and lost her job at RTL as soon as we appeared together, at the time of the 2019 European elections. Today, it is as if she did not exist by herself, that she was just a simple outgrowth of me. It’s unbearable“, explains Yannick Jadot.

It is for this reason that he no longer wants to appear with her during the campaign. On LCI, he had already addressed his point of view: “She’s a long, long, long committed woman and it feels like sometimes she just has to think through my prism, through me.” Currently literary director for Fayard editions, Isabelle Saporta continues her path with Yannick Jadot and their blended family. Indeed, if the politician is the father of two big boys born from a previous relationship, the author of the black book on agriculture had two daughters by his side. Couple who advocates equality, they share the daily tasks, he says in She : “At home, I iron my shirts. I also cook and do the shopping.”

Lately, we could come across Isabelle Saporta in the premises of the radio station for which she loved working so much, RTL.

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