‘It’s tragic’: Why Tom Cruise hasn’t seen his daughter Suri for years

Playing heroes in action movies, Tom Cruise loves it. As in Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow by Doug Liman, broadcast this March 30 on TMC. A production that his daughter Suri may have seen at the time of its release in 2014. This year, the daughter that Tom Cruise had with Katie Holmes is eight years old and has not seen her father for several months. Nothing has changed in 2022. Tom Cruise, however caring in the first years of his daughter’s life, has not been seen in her company for about ten years. And it’s not about to change if we believe the words of an old acquaintance. Follower and ambassador of Scientology, a religious movement considered a sect, Tom Cruise obeys the rules that the high authority of the movement imposes. That of not rubbing shoulders with non-members of the community is one of them.

This condition to be respected would be the reason why Tom Cruise has not come into contact with his daughter Suri for a very long time. This is what Samantha Domingo, ex-member of Scientology, affirmed to Us Weekly in 2019. The American went even further by claiming that the hero of Mission Impossible could have been manipulated by the Scientology Church and think, tragically, that Suri “not really his daughter but just a spiritual being in his daughter’s body“. The Church of Scientology defended itself against Samantha Domingo’s remarks, saying that this story was pure fiction. What it did not explain, however, is why Tom Cruise continued to see Isabella and Connor – the children they had with Nicole Kidman – members of Scientology like him.Tom Cruise never spoke about the situation.

Tom Cruise was reportedly trained in Scientology by his ex-wife Mimi Rogers, then director of the church’s training center at the time of their meeting. If she ended up freeing herself from it, the actor stayed and continued his rise in the organization. As spokesperson and ambassador, Tom Cruise seems to have trouble finding the woman of his life. After his divorce from Nicole Kidman, the American lived a romance with Penelope Cruz and chained to a marriage with Katie Holmes. Six years after the birth of Suri, the ex-star of Dawson filed for divorce for “irreconcilable differences“. A difficult break following which Tom Cruise never appeared as a couple again.

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