“It’s total humbug”, according to RN deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy

Emmanuel Macron will chair a Defense Council devoted to energy on Friday morning. The topics will be “gas and electricity supply for winter,” a source within the executive told franceinfo.

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“It’s total bullshit”estimates Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy of the National Rally of the Somme, Tuesday August 30 on franceinfo, about the first Defense Council devoted to energy that Emmanuel Macron will chair on Friday. “The government is outdoing its wordslaunches the deputy RN. There is no need for this Defense Council since everything that is happening was predictable.” According to him, “the government did nothing” whereas “It’s been a year since the gas crisis began, before the war in Ukraine”.

“EDF’s production at half mast, the fact of being dependent on Russian gas, we have known this for months. This government, and in particular Madame Borne, are witnessing terrible phenomena which are affecting Europe and France and they do nothing !”

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy RN

at franceinfo

Jean-Philippe Tanguy particularly regrets that there was no “other arbitrations” Where “other urgent decisions” on “the state of EDF’s nuclear fleet”. “Now they are trying to blame everything on the management of EDF, but the management of EDF is the state!”

The RN deputy is not surprised that Russia is “hostile” after “Russian oil and gas embargo”. He regrets, however, that “Marine Le Pen’s proposal to bring down market prices through an agreement between Europe and other gas-producing countries has never been on the agenda”.

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, on the other hand, is worried about the continuation of the energy shield, voted by the RN deputies: “It is the taxes of the French which compensate for the price, but it will be necessary to reimburse one day.”

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