“It’s too personal, this question”! Mylène Farmer intractable when it comes to religion!

In her 40-year career, she has made it a point of honor to cultivate mystery around her and assumes wearing a “heavy secret” that she asks to leave “rest in peace“, to our colleagues from JDD. Exceptionally, Mylène Farmer nevertheless agreed to say more about her, this November 20. And she talked about religion in particular.

“I like to enter churches, whether small or large

If a frontal question about his spirituality still seems “too personal“for her, Mylène Farmer assures us that she “often think of the life of Padre Pio”. And to add: “I read the life of Saint Thérèse of Avila or Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. I like going into churches, whether small or large, simply because it is a peaceful place. The smell of incense is divine. We know that man is a wolf to man, but I also believe in the goodness, in the power of the spirit, of the egregores”she also said.

Inspired by “the infinitely mysterious“, “the existence of a beyond”a poetic sky”and “the divine”, the star draws a line when it comes to her private life. Indeed, she explains: “I don’t feel the need to make my commitments known”. And to justify that she has some, of course, but that they “remain anonymous“.

>> See also: Mylène Farmer in the Paris metro: very very surprised Ile-de-France residents are posting photos!

As for her religion and beliefs, Mylène Farmer assumes: “It is my choice and it is my right. My freedom”. However, she does not judge the other artists who “become spokespersons“of causes, but believes that”It doesn’t match his personality.”. For the most curious, Mylène Farmer gives a clue: “For those who listen to my songs, some of my texts have accompanied the defenders of certain causes for many years.“.

“A lot of so-called biographies don’t know anything about me

And that’s all we know about her. While dozens of books have been published on her, the artist admits that she does not read them and judges: “there are quality ones but also many so-called biographies know nothing about me. whatever”.


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