For the first one times, in the Monts du Matin sector, at the foot of the Vercors, the LPO AURA is organizing a exploration open to all. For Rémi Métais, project manager at the Drôme Ardèche territorial delegation, this is an important action to enrich knowledge of this super predator in this sector of the Drôme.
The objective of the count is to know the size of the Grand Duke’s population in the Monts du Matin, the same operation is carried out by volunteers in Royans, especially in northern Vercors where they do the same thing. We are going to put observation points fairly far apart on places of cliffs which are conducive to the reproduction of the Eagle Owl.
– Cindie Arlaud
It is a species very sensitive to disturbance and on the Monts du Matin they can easily be disturbed by the presence of hiking trails. It is on this that we hope to be vigilant in order to have a kind of ecological watch and be able to preserve these birds.
– RM
We are right in the breeding period, that is to say that the male will call the female, will sing and the female will respond, there will be a little game between the male and the female, an exchange that will continue in flight to result in a copulation.
LPO Auvergne Rhône Alpes, territorial delegation Drôme Ardèche.