it’s the war between these two eliminated candidates

Overnight media coverage is sometimes complicated to manage! The new Miss France Ève Gilles is well placed to talk about itand came to discuss with the candidates of the star Academy vying for this brutal fame for which she was not prepared, and the wave of attacks that followed, particularly targeting her puny physique and short hair. But the 20-year-old young woman is not the only one to receive a lot of attacks on social networks… In fact, since November 4, the eleventh season of the star Academy is at the heart of all the debates on X and Instagram, and the candidate teams are waging a merciless war, where anything goes! Result, the candidates find themselves collateral victims of wars they did not ask for

On Instagram this Friday January 12, 2024, Candice and Clarawhich were eliminated a few weeks ago, wanted to call for calm, and to demand restraint from their respective communities; although they respect being massively supported and appreciated, they nevertheless want to warn of the violence they receive on a daily basis, from opposing communities who do not support them: “Since I came out, since Candice came out, we have received hate messages, she just like me, and in fact, we’re just tired of our two teams colliding when in fact, people don’t understand that we just love each other, and that there are zero problems between us. Like, really! And I don’t know why there was this creation of hatred and competition which doesn’t exist.”

“Why do you create stories that don’t exist?”

If Clara recognizes “that at the base, it starts with something benevolent”however, she wants to remind her community of fans and that of Candice that words have meaning, and that they remain, above all, human beings: “You try to defend each other, but in the end it’s just mean! There’s not even a problem! Please stop taking every word said to the letter, please put things in context, and please stop, because in fact, we’re fed up, we talk about it every day and if just between us there is no problem, we love each other, we are friends, why do you allow yourself to create stories that don’t exist ?”

And to conclude, by calling for calm: “Please stop the harassment because sometimes there are certain messages, I’m sorry but it hurts. I’ve always said it, but no harassment or harassment is justified. It’s a shame because you crash into each other while we live our best livesand everything is fine between us.” This Saturday, January 13, 2024, Axel, Lénie, Héléna or Julien will be eliminated at the gates of the semi-final and will discover, like Candice and Clara, the countless comments that were aimed at him throughout the adventure.

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