it’s the tumble for “What an era!”

After the success, the fall. This Saturday, May 27, 2023, France 2 broadcast a new number of What an era! a program co-hosted by Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne. Unfortunately, the two acolytes failed to seduce viewers since only 840,000 people met in front of the talk show. Or, the lowest score ever recorded by the chain since the launch of the program, reports the site

During the show, the two hosts notably had the opportunity to speak with Gims. An opportunity for the 37-year-old rapper to return to his controversial remarks on the Egyptian pyramids. “The pyramids that we see, at the top there is gold, and gold is the best conductor for electricity… They were antennas! People had electricity and historians know”, he explained on March 22 in an interview for Yes Hustle. A theory that has caused a lot of ink to flow.

See also:

Gims explains himself after the controversy over the Egyptian pyramids

Two months after these statements, Demdem’s companion seems to regret having opened his mouth. “This is an interview that lasted almost two hours. This was not an interview about Egypt […] I talked about my life, my career, there was a minute and 37 seconds on Egypt exactly”, he said before Léa Salamé asked him if he believed “Really” to this theory.

What the interpreter of To give everything replied : “I was talking about Africa before, of union, of ideas, of solidarity. And I gave the example of the pyramids because it’s fascinating, it’s mysterious, it’s exciting. So it was an example for Africa: ‘Look at what they manage to do, it’s crazy’. Apparently they had electricity, that’s a theory.” And to conclude:I can’t confirm that there was electricity at the tops of the pyramids. I can’t sign it on a paper. I think the subject of Egypt should remain something fascinating, something mysterious. […] It shocked me that it got so big.”


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