“It’s the only reason for satisfaction, but it is very thin”, reacts Sébastien Chenu

“This is the only reason for satisfaction, but it is very meager since democracy must be able to express itself”, reacted on Friday, January 21, on franceinfo, Sébastien Chenu, spokesman for Marine Le Pen and the National Rally, after the Constitutional Council censored the possibility for the organizers of political meetings to request a health pass from participants. Apart from this provision – supposed to limit the spread of Covid-19 – the sages validated the entire bill relating to the vaccine pass.

Sébastien Chenu also castigates what he calls “a Covid campaign”: “While we are talking about Covid, Emmanuel Macron does not have to assume his balance sheet, nor to make proposals for the future, nor to descend from his Olympus. As long as we are talking about the Covid we don’t talk about other things. Being able to hold public meetings without asking for a health pass is a small consolation.”

The National Rally had positioned itself against the vaccination pass. The party spokesman therefore recognizes a failure: “We shouldn’t have expected it to be a success for us, that we could prevent the health and vaccination pass. We don’t have the culture of submission like the Republicans who voted for it in accepting the constraints and attacks on freedoms. Then, they took a slap from the moment the Constitutional Council rejected their challenge to the health pass for meetings, for example.

“We are consistent, we consider that the vaccination pass is of no use and Marine Le Pen as soon as she is elected President of the Republic will stop all that.”

Sebastien Chenu

at franceinfo

Sébastien Chenu accuses Jean Castex of “talk to the French like morons” and of them “infantilize” and described as “ridiculous” certain health measures decided by the government such as wearing a mask outside and not being able to drink on a train. “I would like us to get out of Absurdistan, this madness of everyday life before imagining new calculations”, he throws.

Less than three months before the first round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen’s spokesperson calls Emmanuel Macron “to declare himself out of honesty, loyalty, respect for the French, for his adversaries”. After the intervention of the Head of State before the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday, Sébastien Chenu affirms that“Emmanuel Macron takes the French for fools and uses his position to campaign, distribute money, make campaign speeches, but no one is fooled. At this little game he will not win much. We know that he is a man who does not respect much. I call on Emmanuel Macron to respect the institutions, the French, his function and democracy.”

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