“It’s the minimum he owed to French football”, reacts Jérôme Alonzo

After the resignation of Noël Le Graët, Jérôme Alonzo, football consultant at franceinfo, believes that it was “the minimum he owed to French football”. The former goalkeeper regrets that this resignation took so long when Noël Le Graët is involved in several cases.

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“It’s the minimum he owed to French football and to everyone”, said this Tuesday on franceinfo Jérôme Alonzo, football consultant for franceinfo, after the resignation of Noël Le Graët from the presidency of the French Football Federation.

under investigation for “moral and sexual harassment”, the now ex-boss of French football had already retired from his duties since January. An audit report from the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research also overwhelms him, denouncing his “behavioral drifts”, “incompatible” with the exercise of the functions of President of the Federation.

“The situation was becoming untenable”

For Jérôme Alonzo, the resignation of Noël Le Graët is not “not a surprise”it is rather “the logical consequence of a decline”. We must also see to it, according to the former footballer the “desire to move as quickly as possible towards another form of governance”. The franceinfo football consultant would have “liked that [cette démission] happens a little bit earlier”.

“We hoped that he would at least come out of this story with a minimum of dignity”, argues Jérôme Alonzo. He highlights the fact that “the highlight of the show will have been his statement on Zinédine Zidane, when there are much more serious things before”, referring here to the accusations of sexual harassment against Noël Le Graët. He also points to the about racism and homophobia” Held by Noël Le Graët.

For Jérôme Alonzo, “the situation had become untenable” for Noël Le Graët, but also “for all football lovers”. The former Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper believes that this sequence “was too long and too heavy to carry for him, for his entourage and for all the people of the Federation”. If he recognizes that Noël Le Graët, at the head of the FFF for eleven years, could have been “a great president”for Jérôme Alonzo, he was no longer “more in tune with the battles to be fought and with today’s football”.

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