“It’s the first day of a new phase”, declares Philippe Martinez, follow his interview on franceinfo

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08:42 : “The objective is for the government to withdraw its project. This has been the objective from the start”insists Philippe Martinez on franceinfo. The responsibility lies solely with the government. We cannot be deaf to this social movement”believes the leader of the CGT.

08:42 : ? Strike of March 7: the last card of the unions? ➡️ “No, it’s the first day of a new phase, with a new watchword: put the country on hold”, explains Philippe Martinez. “No one can say that we had not warned We are a cut above.” https://t.co/jNmHyRTutV

08:38 : “It’s the first day of a new phase, with a new slogan: bring the country to a halt.”

On this sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform, Philippe Martinez is the guest of the “8:30 am” of franceinfo.


08:19 : Employees, retirees and even high school students are gathered around this roundabout, in the middle of the night. “If we don’t fight now, what future will we have? Crisis ? Unemployment ? The war ? “Launched Paul, a high school student, before returning to distribute leaflets. https://t.co/D1y3r6UZv1

08:18 : The strikers come from several unions, including the CGT and FO. They have been present since 4 a.m. on the roundabout located in the heart of a gigantic logistics hub. Leaflets are distributed to truckers, without disruption of traffic. https://t.co/nigsM6LnSK

08:27 : In Essonne, several rallies are underway on the roundabouts, in particular at Coudray-Montceaux with around twenty demonstrators. Our journalist Robin Prudent is on site.

08:13 : About twenty blocked trucks Several motorists slow down in their journey At the southern toll of #Perpignan the blockage has lasted for 30 minutes #grevedu7mars #BlocageDeLaFrance https://t.co/YSf0MGLFXi

08:13 : In Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), a blocking operation is underway at the South toll roundabout, with trucks across the road. Hundreds of demonstrators are there.

08:12 : The actions are multiplying this morning. A hundred trucks are carrying out a filtering dam operation at the CRT of Lesquin (Nord), at the exit of the A23, near Lille. They let the vehicles pass drop by drop. The truck drivers are also preparing to block the activity area of ​​La Pilaterie, in Wasquehal, north of Lille.

08:04 : Good morning @Elmalu, traffic is still expected to be complicated tomorrow. The RATP will only open most of its metro lines during peak hours and will only run one train out of two or three on lines A and B of the RER depending on the hour. The SNCF is also planning a day “very disturbed” tomorrow.

08:03 : Hello Alice, I do not know if you have already answered this question. Has the RATP, SNCF or other public transport company already communicated on a potential extension of the strike in the days to come? I can’t find the info anywhere. Thanks in advance.

07:58 : #Retreats: “I sense feverishness in the government and the executive… We are going to go so far as to withdraw this reform”@SouillotFo, general secretary of Force Ouvrière, guest of @amandine_begot in #RTLMatin https:/ /t.co/bKskwukxQz

07:56 : On RTL, Frédéric Souillot, secretary general of Force Ouvrière, appeals to Emmanuel Macron: “Withdraw your reform project”.

08:05 : For this sixth day of mobilization, territorial intelligence expects the presence of 1.1 to 1.4 million demonstrators throughout France, learned franceinfo from police sources. Some 320 gatherings are planned throughout France.

07:44 : “The strike has started everywhere, (…) with very variable proportions of strikers depending on the site, but with shipments blocked at the exit of all the refineries this morning”, assures Eric Sellini, elected national of the CGT-Chemistry. According to him, the refineries of TotalEnergies, Esso-ExxonMobil and Petroineos are affected by this social movement.

07:43 : #RETIRETS Fuel shipments are “blocked” at the exit of “all refineries”announces a representative of the CGT.

07:36 : “There is an addition of anger, frustration and rejection.”

Since the start of the demonstrations against the pension reform, the mobilization in small and medium-sized French towns has been one of the notable facts of the social movement. We have tried to better understand this phenomenon with the geographer Achille Warnant and the sociologist Hugo Touzet.


07:21 : My colleague Louis Boy was rightly interested in the weight of the unions in this mobilization. The success of the call “bring France to a standstill” today will say a lot about the ability of the intersyndicale to really weigh in the longer term, he explains in this article.

Representatives of the various unions march together against the pension reform project in Dijon (Côte-d'Or), February 16, 2023. (KONRAD K. / SIPA)

07:18 : Le Figaro examines the strategy of the trade unions in this mobilization against the reform. Organizations engaged in a “arm wrestling” against the government, “hope by the force of the challenge to reverse the trend in Parliament”writes the newspaper.

Le Figaro Une of March 7, 2023

07:15 : A quick tour of your newsstands, where the sixth day of mobilization against pension reform is on the front page of many national and regional dailies.

Read Le Bien Public - Dijon from March 07, 2023 on ePresse.fr

07:18 : In Seine-Maritime, other operations are being prepared. A blockade of the industrial zone of Gonfreville-l’Orcher is being organised. The CGT has planned to block access.

07:06 : The striking employees of the TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville, in Seine-Maritime, voted unanimously this morning for a renewable 72-hour strike, reports a franceinfo journalist on the spot.

06:38 : Find in this article all the traffic forecasts in stations, in the metro and airports.

06:37 : If you have to take the train today, here are the traffic forecasts provided by the SNCF:

• One in five trains for the TGV Inoui and Ouigo

• One in five trains for TER

Two out of three trains for Thalys and Eurostar

• For the Intercités, there will be “no traffic”, “with the exception of a Paris-Brive round trip, two Paris-Clermont round trips and normal Toulouse-Hendaye traffic by substitute coach”.

06:32 : ? Blockade in progress this night of the road from Lorient to #Rennes by a hundred protesters. Truckers should join the movement. Barricades on fire. (C: Justin Picaud). #greve7mars #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/CbLIRR1TZB

06:30 : ? Be careful if you are heading to Rennes via the RN 24 (coming from Quimper and Lorient): the arrival in Rennes is closed on the Lorient road near Roazhon Park, with around a hundred people as part of the pension reform .https://t.co/RxhAHcxyUb

06:29 : The first blockages began this night. A hundred demonstrators have been present for several hours on the national road 24, near Rennes, reports France Bleu Breizh Izel. “From the Rennes ring road outside and inside, access to the RN 24 towards Lorient is closed. From the RN 24 arriving from Lorient, the RN 24 is also closed”says Bison Futé.

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