“It’s the biggest fire of the year” according to the fire commander

230 firefighters fought all night on two fires in the Double forest. They declared themselves a few hours apart this Sunday in La Roche-Chalais at a place called Lavautour then in Eygurande-et-Gardedeuil at a place called Les Nauvettes. The two lights are now fixed, announces the prefecture this Monday morning after destroying 110 hectares of massif. This is for Colonel Pierre Hierholtz, director of SDIS 24, firefighters of the Dordogne “the biggest fire of the year in the Dordogne”.

Hundreds of hectares preserved thanks to the action of firefighters

Dordogne firefighters helped by reinforcements from Charente, Charente-Maritime, Corrèze or even Lot-et-Garonne spent the night “to take turns to go around the fires and put out all the visible fires”. This Monday morning, firefighters are still on the scene, they take turns to avoid retakes. Thanks to the action of the firefighters last night, “hundreds of hectares and plots” were spared the flames.

“This type of fire outbreak can have catastrophic consequences”

This sector is “particularly sensitive” specifies Colonel Hierholzt because it is a forest composed softwood and hardwood but within which there are also cultures. “This type of fire outbreak can have catastrophic consequences” explains the commander of the firefighters of the Dordogne “that’s why we had immediate reinforcements to be able to attack the fire as quickly and as massively as possible”. Firefighters were helped in the air by two canadairs, two water bomber helicopter and a DASH.

source site-38