“It’s super super hard”: Carla Moreau separated from Kévin, the consequences for their daughter Ruby …

Since Kevin’s supposed infidelity with Belle during the filming of The Battle of the Clans, nothing is going well in the Guedj family. Separated for a few weeks, Carla and Kevin no longer live together and have agreed on joint custody for their daughter Ruby. A very hard situation to live for the pretty blonde who, in addition to having to manage her breakup with Kevin, must deal with the separations from her daughter to whom she is extremely close. Distraught, the candidate of Marseillais VS The rest of the world confided on Instagram to having a lot of trouble managing the time when Ruby is at her father’s house.

My daughter I miss her terribly, it’s super super hard for a mom to separate from her daughter for a few days. Inevitably I think that there are people who follow me and who, like me, have been separated from the dad, and must necessarily face the fact of separating from his child, so that is not easy. This is the second time suddenly that I leave it to Kevin in the week. Also last week“, she confided, very moved.

I’m really looking forward to finding her

Only comfort for Carla, the moments when she can see her precious Ruby on video. “Fortunately there is Facetime and I can take news when I want anyway she reassures herself, I’m really looking forward to finding her because you know how close I am with my daughter, how much I sleep with her, I wash with her, I eat with her finally I do everything! So obviously it’s not obvious but here it is I know she needs her daddy too which is completely normal so here it is.” Wishing Ruby happiness above all else, she adds: “I think the most important thing for her is that her parents are happy, well and healthy..”

Separated from Kevin since Belle said she had an affair with him, Carla had announced their breakup through a long statement on Instagram in which she indicated that Ruby’s happiness would be her priority.

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