“It’s starting to annoy me, I’m fed up”, Michael Goldman (Star Academy) cash on the subject of Héléna

Helena future nominee? Viewers undoubtedly asked themselves this question after following the week’s evaluations on star Academy this Wednesday, November 22, 2023. In fact, the pretty blonde played a duo with her friend Marie-Maud in front of the teachers. If the two candidates seemed delighted with their performance, the teachers did not share the same opinion. Particularly with regard to Helena.

For the stage expression teacher, Cécile Chaduteau, there is something better in Marie-Maud, nominated last week. “Marie Maud has tied up her hair, we can see her face. There is an opening”she noted before regretting: “On the other hand, I still have a little problem with Helena’s face which has closed even though she dances more, normally, than Marie Maud. The body expressed more, and the face less”.

Also see: Indira Ampiot (Miss France 2023) in the sights of a “Star Academy” candidate: love at first sight before the election!

Helena knocks Michael Goldman out of his hinges

Adeline Toniutti is of the same opinion. Although the singing teacher appreciated the staging, she notes a “small point of weakness for Helena in terms of accuracy…”. “Oh I agree with you…”the director of the star AcademyMichael Goldman. “And rhythm. That is to say, Helena started for me with falsehoods, as if she wanted to freeze something rhythmically”continued Adeline Toniutti.

After listening to the opinions of his colleagues, the director of the show hosted by Nikos Aliagas concluded the report on the evaluations of the two students. Michael Goldman is very angry with Helena and wanted to make it known: “So to be completely honest, I won’t be able to give them an excellent rating because for me it was Marie Maud who carried the duo from start to finish”he first indicated before emptying his bag: “And Helena, honestly I have a problem with her. We should discuss it, it’s that for me this girl really has an exceptional voice, but I’m starting to get tired of hearing her sing out of tune”. Result, Marie-Maud and Helena are nominated, alongside Lénie and Djébril.

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