A video posted on social media shows a kindergarten teacher hitting a crying three-year-old student in the back at a school in the 15th arrondissement of Paris and has sparked outrage.
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“Like many people, I was shocked. These images are shocking, they are not the result of professional actions by a teacher towards a student. It is shocking for all the teachers who saw these images.”reacted Tuesday, September 10 on franceinfo Guislaine David, co-general secretary and spokesperson for the teachers’ union SNUiPPP-FSU, after the broadcast of images showing a teacher violently hitting one of her three-year-old students in the back in the first year of kindergarten in Paris.
The images sparked outrage and the teacher’s suspension, in a case described as “Shame on our school” by the resigning Minister of National Education. “It may seem unbelievable, I don’t have the reasons, I don’t have the answer to this question” of knowing why this teacher made such a gesture”continues Guislaine David.
“When you are a nursery school teacher, you have to welcome the children in the morning, you know that it is the first day back at nursery school, you have to make sure that this return to school goes as well as possible”explains Guislaine David. For her “The transition between family and school must be perfect if we want the child to adapt to school. The welcome moment is an important moment that is made up of tears and children’s cries because it is normal. Children must adapt to a system that is not the one they experience at home. There are children who cry, who scream and we must reassure them and ensure their emotional and physical safety so that they are happy in this school”she explains.