“It’s scandalous”, Jean-Marie Bigard and other columnists of “TPMP” dissociate themselves from Jimmy Mohamed after his comments on unvaccinated caregivers!

He probably didn’t think he’d cause so much reaction. On April 18, 2023, Jimmy Mohamed made remarks that divided at Jordan de Luxe. The famous doctor, known for his time as a columnist on “TPMP”, went after unvaccinated people. People who will soon be able to return to their service. For him, that would not be a good thing. “I don’t know if it’s good”he first launched before continuing: “How many percentage of the nurses was that in reality? 1%? Is having 1% more nurses going to be a game-changer? I’m not sure.”

Subsequently, the doctor admits having a “problem with those who refused vaccination while being caregivers”. “I distinguish two situations. The first, that of the nurse who asks herself questions: ‘I am pregnant, I have a pregnancy project, do I have to get vaccinated?’ I can hear the concerns and the questions we had at the time.”he continued before discussing the second situation: “Two, those who think that vaccination is a danger to health, is a danger to the population, who are deeply antivax. Those, in reality, I’m not sure we need to reinstate them because ‘imagine that tomorrow we have a new outbreak of coronavirus. What are we going to do with them?’

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Danielle Moreau and Guillaume Genton attack Jimmy Mohamed

The words of the former columnist of “TPMP” caused a reaction and in particular on the set of the daily newspaper of C8. Indeed, Guillaume Genton expressed his anger after hearing this statement. “That we are “provax” and that we think it’s bullshit not to get vaccinated, ok I don’t mind. But why this hatred and this relentlessness against “antivax”?he wondered at first before noticing: “In reality it’s good, there is a consensus to say that the Covid is behind us. Today it’s 1%, but it’s still people, these people exist. Why? this relentlessness […] I feel like we want revenge on them, stop!”.

If she was initially against the “antivax”, Danielle Moreau almost gives them reason today. Or rather, feels like some, like Jimmy Mohamed, got stuck and “two years late”. “I was fiercely against people who did not get vaccinated when we thought it stopped transmission. But now it’s ridiculous. I prefer a caregiver with an FP2 mask than a vaccinated caregiver. It’s outrageous not wanting to reintegrate them. And I love Jimmy but there frankly he lacks empathy”she regretted before outbidding: “Really I did not like this speech”.

Jean-Marie Bigard, who in the past defended “antivax”, did not really take a position. The comedian simply asked that caregivers return to their services and that it was a necessity.


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