“It’s really not responsible!”

At the start of 2023, strikes continue in France… After the medical analysis laboratories, it is indeed the turn of the liberal doctors to cease their activities to make themselves heard. A real nightmare for the government insofar as France has been going through a period of epidemics of several viruses for a few weeks.

In a long interview given to franceinfo, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne therefore wished to speak about this strike which begins this Tuesday, January 3, 2023, i.e. from the first day of the new school year.

“It is part of the organizations that represent the doctors who have actually called the strike. There is an ongoing discussion between doctors and Medicare »recalled the politician before setting out her point of view: “I can hear that they may encounter difficulties, that they may wish for improvements, but it is really not responsible to strike, especially in this festive period, when it has increased the tensions on the hospital. »

Élisabeth Borne made a point of recalling that in this winter period, “hospitals are facing three simultaneous epidemics” of influenza, bronchiolitis and Covid… Consequently, this mobilization of liberal doctors comes at the worst time.

As a reminder, the liberal doctors are called to continue this week the strike movement started the day after Christmas to obtain a revaluation of the consultation.

See also: Brigitte Macron: her relationship with a famous journalist revealed…


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