“It’s really denigration, contempt, it’s insulting” and “insulting, it becomes blood”, denounces Stop Homophobia

It’s really denigration, contempt, it’s insulting”, reacted, angry, on Friday July 15 on franceinfo Terrence Katchadourian, secretary general of Stop Homophobia. In an interview at Parisian/Today in France Thursday, Minister Caroline Cayeux assured “to regret” his comments “stupid” of 2013 held in the Senate during the examination of the text opening the right to marriage to same-sex couples.

The Minister of Territorial Communities said at the time: “On marriage for all and adoption for same-sex couples, described as whim and design reform that goes against nature.”

franceinfo: Several anti-homophobia associations announced on Wednesday that they had filed a complaint in Paris against the Minister of Territorial Communities, Caroline Cayeux, who “maintained” her past remarks. Why do you maintain your complaint, because she mentioned the “unnatural design” or because she maintained these words?

Terrence Katchadourian: Because she maintained those words. I did not receive a letter [d’excuses]. We haven’t received any letters. His excuses ? No, that’s not enough at all. In truth, his apology doesn’t interest us at all. I appreciate and thank Mr. Beaune for making his remarks [le  ministre des Transports a rappelé ce vendredi sur franceinfo que “la ligne politique” de la majorité était celle “de l’égalité”, “des droits” et “des avancées qu’on a conquises collectivement”]. Well, a priori he lets pass, Marlène Schiappa [la secrétaire d’État chargée de l’Économie sociale et solidaire et de la vie associative] also. Nothing is expected of this new minister [Caroline Cayeux] promoted.

Former ministers and parliamentarians will publish a forum to be published this weekend. A macronie figure tells franceinfo that he warned Emmanuel Macron before the appointment of Caroline Cayeux. Does Caroline Cayeux still have a place in government?

If indeed President Macron knew, it is even more catastrophic. It means that there is no interest concerning us. He said to himself “it does not matter, it will pass”, well no, it will not pass. In 2012, she could make this kind of remark, but in 2022 it is not possible. Seriously ! As minister, she did not expect a backlash? She did not expect, by daring to say that, that we were going to react? “These people!'”: we don’t need a new Nadine Morano, frankly!

Caroline Cayeux regrets remarks that she says are “stupid and clumsy”…

Stupid? Cheer ! Very happy to notice that she is aware of it. But when you’re a minister, you need to wait for the reaction of the people to tell yourself that it’s inappropriate, stupid, etc. ? Yes, it’s more serious because since 2012, we’ve all been traumatized by this kind of message. From this kind of remark, as François Holande said, insults become blood! We were all massacred and beaten up. I don’t want to be hit in the street yet. It’s worse than homophobia, it doesn’t care about us. It’s worse than denigration, it’s contempt, it’s insult.

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