This meeting, scheduled for April 6 in Matignon with the Prime Minister, will “say the depth of the anger of the population”, according to Benoit Teste.
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“It’s rather a good thing to have this space to go and express yourself and express what millions of protesters and strikers have been wearing for the past two months”reacts Wednesday March 29 on franceinfo, Benoit Teste, secretary general of the FSU (Unitary trade union federation), about the invitation of the inter-union to Matignon Wednesday April 6, sent by Elisabeth Borne. “A priori”, the FSU will attend this meeting. “It will probably not be there that we will be able to turn things around”on the issue of the legal retirement age at 64, said the union representative.
>> Pension reform: agenda, slots… tensions around the announced meeting between the Prime Minister and the unions
But this meeting will “to tell the depth of the anger of the population” and of “restate what has been said since the beginning of the consultation”. The inter-union “waiting for answers”on the proposals made on the financing of the pension system, the increase in the volume of contributions.
“We will also talk about work, wages, employment of seniors but through the withdrawal of the age measure and the withdrawal of the pension reform.”
Benoit Teste, Secretary General of the FSUat franceinfo
The trade unionist nevertheless expects a “complicated dialogue” because “the government has said that it is sticking to its reform”. “A Stance”according to Benoit Teste who adds: “It’s always what the bosses and the negotiators say before”. But this hearing is the “reflecting a mobilization with which the government must deal”he says.
The meeting with the eight trade union organizations should last “three hours”according to the union representative. “If there is a firm no to the withdrawal from the start at 64, it is not certain that we will stay until the end”. “We are ready to dialogue but not on peripheral subjects”concludes Benoit Teste.