Video length: 1 min
Interview with Emmanuel Macron in Elle: his proposals for families
In an interview with Elle magazine, Emmanuel Macron took positions on women, family and the role of fathers.
(France 2)
In an interview with “Elle” magazine, Emmanuel Macron took positions on women, family and the role of fathers.
What are the duties of a father in a single-parent family? In a magazine interview She, Emmanuel Macron says he wants to open the debate and create a visiting duty for absent fathers. In France, 1.9 million families are single-parent and among them, eight out of ten are headed by a woman. For the President of the Republic, a father cannot simply pay alimony.
Birth leave
“There must no longer be just a right but a duty to visit, a duty to follow up, to continue the parental project beyond the couple”, confided Emmanuel Macron. To fight against gender inequalities, the Head of State announces replacing parental leave with birth leave, three months for each parent, but better paid, at 50% of salary. In terms of infertility, a health check reimbursed to all will be offered and research will be strengthened. Self-preservation of oocytes, until now reserved for hospitals, will be opened to private centers