“It’s playing a play whose end we already know”, the specter of 49.3 worries the opposition

Isn’t the examination of the budget in the National Assembly becoming a masquerade? On Wednesday, the Council of Ministers authorized the government to use the famous article 49-3 of the Constitution, which will allow it, when it wishes, to have its finance bill adopted, without a vote, but by engaging its responsibility.

>> Budget 2023: what you need to know about 49.3, this article of the Constitution which allows the government to force its way through the Assembly

However, day and night in the hemicycle, the debates continue, and will continue to continue almost as if nothing had happened. Except that the oppositions are afraid of working in a vacuum. And let it be known publicly in the hemicycle.

A tax on “superdividends”, another to curb the tax exile of entrepreneurs… These amendments voted against the government’s opinion could well disappear from the budget, when recourse to 49-3. “I’ve been asking this question five times…“, “We are building and we want to know if you are a co-builder“, “Is there a parallel debate, minister?“, we could thus hear at the microphone of the Assembly from the oppositions which are annoyed, in reference, for example, to the lunch organized Thursday, October 13 around the Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to begin to “clean up ” the text. Because the government will have a completely free hand to present the Budget it wants, when it activates 49.3. And that, therefore, without taking into account what has already been voted.

In session, the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal turned a deaf ear: “In recent days, there have been several interventions that have focused on 49.3. But the only ones to talk about this article here are the oppositions, who seem to be calling for it. It’s still curious“, he launched among the applause and boos, Thursday, October 14. A way for the executive to denounce alliances of circumstances. But behind the scenes, a majority deputy summarizes: “The examination of this Budget is to play a play whose end we already know“.

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