it’s “peanuts”, judge Yannick Jadot who points to the group’s “indecency”

The development of renewable energies by Total means “peanuts”, estimated this Friday on franceinfo the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot invited to presidential mornings. He points the “com” of the group in terms of climate. “I have come to a point of anger at Total’s indecency for months, for years. It’s a joke, it’s nothing compared to what they invest in fossil fuels”he said.

>> We explain the climate ISF proposal made by Hidalgo, Jadot and Mélenchon

Yannick Jadot suggests setting up a “Climate ISF” which would affect all assets over two million euros. This tax is supposed to tax what is not good for the planet and bring in 15 million euros, according to the environmental candidate. In the matter, he distributed the good and the bad points. “A priori, we will not tax” Renault who “is moving towards decarbonizing its car fleet by 2030, which is my goal for our country”he said.

On the other hand, he strongly criticized the inaction of the Total group for the climate: “We even have the International Energy Agency saying that for the climate, we should no longer go to extract, look for a whole new drop of oil. The subject is not to do a little. Total has high-quality workers and technicians who could take our country through the energy transition. And what is Total doing? In Uganda, they are installing an oil pipeline in a very protected. They are displacing 30,000 people.”he accused.

In addition, Yannick Jadot returned to the role of Total in Russia. The company is, he says, “accomplice of war crimes insofar as Total has partners who are very close to Putin and whose certain leaders are under international sanctions”. After similar statements by the candidate in recent weeks, Total has announced that it is filing a complaint for defamation against the candidate EELV.

Yannick Jadot finally spoke to Emmanuel Macron: “I ask him, in the name of Ukrainians and Ukrainians, of our energy independence and in the name of the climate, to ask Total to get out of Russia”.

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