“It’s not the end of the story” according to Sébastien Jumel, support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon

He is the “third man” of this first round: Jean-Luc Melenchon won nearly 22% of the vote this Sunday, in the first round of the presidential election, behind Emmanuel Macron (27.6% of the vote) and Marine Le Pen (24.4%), who came first and qualified for the second round. “The seeds of hope have been sown”estimates this Monday the PCF deputy of Seine-Maritime, Sebastien Jumelwho supported for this election the candidate of France Insoumise, who arrived first in Normandy in cities like Rouen, Le Havre or Evreux.

“It took a little”

“If the left had been in a position to come together, then the second round offered to the French would not have been the same”added the member for Dieppe bitterly, while Marine Le Pen has around 500,000 votes ahead of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on a national level.

“I’m not here to distribute good or bad pointscontinues Sébastien Jumel about the disunity of the left. But it was close to having a scenario other than the choice between the extreme right and the extreme money. But that’s not the end of the story: you have to build resistance and build bridges to offer alternatives.”


But to carry these fights, it is still necessary to have elected officials and deputies. After this failed meeting of the Presidential, and previously that of the Regionals in Normandy, is an alliance possible for the legislative elections? The PS mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignolthus wants, with other elected Socialists, that a “social and ecological pact” be concluded for this ballot.

“Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, who was spokesperson for Anne Hidalgo, took a slap in the face last night, and I’m glad he showed less arrogance than in other more recent electionsquips Sébastien Jumel. The people of the left must know how to come together, but it is not a question of doing so around a soft consensus: the left must find the paths of combativeness, working-class neighborhoods and what makes up everyday life. inhabitants.”

The deputy and former mayor of Dieppe will also say, “after the presidential election”, if he is a candidate for a new term. “I am at work, and I would point out that obviously no voice should feed the National Rally in the second round. The far right remains an extreme danger for the most fragile, for the inhabitants of working-class neighborhoods, for employees who want to defend their right to retirement, etc.concludes Sébastien Jumel.

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In Normandy, Marine Le Pen came first in the department of Eure and she is neck and neck with Emmanuel Macron in Seine-Maritime. The National Rally candidate also came first in Dieppe.

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